Some say art, some say graffiti.
We enjoyed a special treat today, and I don't mean more saguaro viewing, although we'd see several magnificent specimens on our hike. The special treat was to spend the day with our niece, Miss Kate and her husband Scott, who are taking a winter respite from the cold climes of Goshen, Indiana. Miss Kate is Judy's late sister, Jane's, youngest daughter. She and Scott are young entrepreneurs who own and operate a flower farm on their one acre property in Goshen. They sell flower arrangements at the local farmer's market twice a week during the growing season. In addition, they run a CSA business supplying beautiful flower arrangements to people every week, other week, or once a month. They've built the business to more than 75 regular customers. In addition, they do weddings. But most of all, besides their business acumen, they bring beaming smiles, infinite hope, and a gentle kindness that this world needs. Scott and I had to remind Miss Kate and Judy to socially distance due to their tendency to grapple like Sumo wrestlers. That was just at the first meeting. We managed to control ourselves most of the day. We hiked a little over four miles in cool weather among a variety of cacti. The trail, worn smooth by constant mountain bike traffic, suited us much better than our sand trudge through the Panther Wash yesterday. After our hike, we ventured back into downtown Tucson for a second visit to The Little One Cafe. The food, as we've come to expect, was once again spectacular. We sat outside, fully spaced. In all, it was proof once again that life is good, especially today.
You may, but I never tire of these cacti.Scott choosing our route.Scott, braver than me.Another reminder of our temporal world.Last night's sunset, and grateful I was to see it.
Desert birds enjoy their saguaro condos.Strange presentation.Auntie and niece.And in proper pandemic pose.Scott and Kate.
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