Adventure 558: Catalina Park/ Post F
B-2 Sunset |
What a difference a day makes. Bright skies, bright attitude, and hopes for a brand new day. We're lost in our daily moves to new campsites. Yesterday, we lucked out. The folks in our spot left at 8:30 A.M. Today, we weren't as lucky. Today's folks decided to use their entire registered time. They left right at noon. No matter. We used the time to walk quite a ways out on the fifty mile trail. Because of last night's rain, the desert glistened, the birds chirped, the snakes kept their distance, and the javelinas skulked out of site. But the cacti rose up like Roman centurions, especially the saguaro (my favorite) which are native to this desert. We saw several mature fellows who raised their arms to their full majestic height of forty feet. Stunning. All told, I walked 21,894 steps totaling 8.3 miles. It was a good day. Part of our walk included a hike over to the local Walmart (Ugh, I hate patronizing the evil empire) because it is the only grocery store within walking distance. One drawback to moving sites every night is that we leave the truck/trailer hooked up, which means we have no vehicle. Actually, it's not hard to unhook, but it gives us an excuse to survive in this hard, hard world without an automobile...truly a first world problem. No worries. Life is still good, especially today.

Falcon shot of the day: great-aunt crocheted sweater set
Tucson on the distance.
Few things better than the desert in the morning.
Miss Judy indulging.
You guessed it: In and Out is what it's all about.
I love to hear the Wiley Cager say, "Well, at least I didn't gt skunked."
I had a nice chat with this venerable fellow.
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