Adventure 555: Catalina State Park/Post C
Cash Only; Worth it. |
My Bunny suggested we drive to downtown Tucson for breakfast at Poca Cosa (The Little One), a small, welcoming cafe that has wonderful food, loud Spanish music (Their menu says they like it that way), and a warm atmosphere. Our waitress, a lovely young Hispanic woman named Dani, said she liked my Orwell hat, and when we pulled out the cribbage board, she quipped, "I think I like you guys." Breakfast, which was not only very attractively presented, was as excellent as we remembered the last time. It was our niece, Miss Kate (Now Mrs. Kempf), recommended the place. After breakfast, we drove to REI to buy a new pannier. Our old ones wore out. Besides, we left them at home. We decided to buy a carry bag that fits on the back rack. It also expands to side panniers. This will work well for us. We made it back to the trailer before noon, and immediately got on the bike for a two hour ride, our first since Vermont in the fall. We both felt pretty good afterwards, considering. We lounged around for a while, took a walk around the area to stretch our bike muscles, and then experienced another highlight. We were doing the Form when a young woman named Kelly cruised by slowly. It turns out she is from Reno and is here in Tucson visiting her friend Cindy. Kelly, who has been studying Tai Chi for a year and a half, was extremely enthusiastic. She asked if she could join us. We spent about a half an hour showing each other our versions of the Form. It was fun, especially since she was so eager. Afterwards, we enjoyed a nice call from our youngest daughter and a fresh picture of Falcon, our newest grandson. What else could remind us that life is good, especially today?

Sunset of the day.
Falcon photo of the day.
Sweet corn Tamales with two eggs over easy; rice, fruit, and greens.
This rest stop honors a young girl who was killed during the Gabby Gifford shooting.
Art shot of the day.
Selfie of the day.
Wiley Cage s**t eating grin of the day.
Notice Papa's new rack pack on his back rack.
Gotta love these cacti.
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