Monday, September 30, 2019

Adventure 538: Bay of Fundy/Hopewell House/Post L

Eddy with two Ds: Master Planner
Sad we were to leave PEI behind, but ever forward as far as our imaginations can take us. We'll be two nights in the Hopewell House. In the Bay of Fundy tomorrow, we'll witness the low tide of 3.5 meters (11 ft.) and the high of 16 meters (53 ft.) as it increases steadily to the head of the bay at Minus Basin. A natural wonder for sure, it's no less surprising than the kindness and gentleness of these Maritime peoples. We've encountered nothing but people exhibiting gracious behavior, an example our often harsh American comrades would do well to emulate. They find our politics amusing. One man we met even suggested we may become expatriates after the next election. But enough of such talk. Let's talk of imagination. Thanks to the wandering spirit of my buddy, Edd (With two Ds), we've been witness to a grand adventure. He (As is his wont) planned the whole thing. He is, as he says, "A big picture guy". It's for the rest of us to fill in the "wild cards" as we may. This is our last stop in the Maritimes, and a pleasant place it is. It's called  The Hopewell House, a sufficiently restored, four bedroom structure set just back from Highway 19. It's pleasing venue, especially considering we're still enthralled with episodes of Anne with an E. I don't mind saying, my eyes fill with tender tears at the language, the characters, the scenery, and the genteel spirit of the series. I find myself comparing the fiction to the reality of the people we've met, the sights we've seen, and the history we've learned. We could gather much from these Northern folk. We'll be back soon enough among too many of our sad and crassly, cruel countrymen. In the meantime, we'll relish a life in the Maritime Provinces that is good, especially today.

 Our wildcard stop today before leaving PEI was the "posh" little village of Victoria by the Sea. Highlight: Island Chocolates. (Handmade during the season; in partnership with Ecuadorians during the off season. Hear, hear for partners in humanity).

 Just a dollar a piece for these Belgian chocolates.
These Islanders do enjoy their puns. More than that, the matron of this store not only weaves exquisite murals, but she includes the actual fur of her Newfoundland dogs in each piece.
 The Hopewell House, our abode for the next two nights.
 My Bunny, an early riser, upon witnessing this morning coffee room.
 The view from the coffee room.

 Loving on each other. (Hear, hear for partners in humanity).
 Another tear filled episode of Anne with an E.
 This, the "Backseat" book, is Deb's travel bible.
 Our Maritime itinerary in two pages.
 A mere smattering. The "Backseat" is filled with context, daily suggestions, the accounting page, and much more. 
I might be able to book Edd with two Ds as your travel guide.
He'll work for good coffee.

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