Adventure 475: Little Eden Camp/Post D
Especially today. |
Yet another day of blessed togetherness. The boys caught fish in the morning (Keepers, not just pre-schoolers). The girls shared memories, which were delved from letters found in long forgotten boxes, and which bought fresh perspectives to young and old alike. We fed ourselves multiple times, and in the afternoon, we took two cars to uphold three Little Eden traditions. First was a trip to the Amish store where a plethora of bulk goods were purchased along with at least two impulse buys that involved that dreaded delicacy: sugar. One was a sticky gob of cinnamon goodness that will be devoured in the morning. The second was something called mud-something. It's a mixture of peanut butter, chocolate chips melted shaken together in a paper sack with two cups of rice checks and powdered sugar. The result is devilishly delicious little white squares flavored with peanut butter and chocolate. Exquisitely decadent. The next traditional stop was a visit to the bargain barn, which is a non-corporate version of a Piggily Wiggly store married to a junkyard. Pejorative and unfriendly pepper the place. "All sales are final." "We don't have a public bathroom-DON'T ASK." "If you can't control your wild little kids, put them in the zoo." The only thing less friendly that the smeared and squiggled signs is the scowl and demeanor of the sales staff. And the smell was a blend of recycled sweat from old clothes, WD 40, and Burma after shave. The novelty of the place must be what keeps the tradition alive. Nevertheless, we all spent our five dollar limit. Finally, the girls took one car to Manistee for a girls shopping spree where they spent the equivalent of what the men spent on fishing licenses for the week (They say it helps ease their guilty consciences). In reality, they don't buy much; it's just the "girls day out". Meanwhile, I encouraged the "boys" to make a stop at the Blue Slipper for a cold one. So everyone enjoyed their own little version of heaven. We gobbled Sonnenburg sweet Italian sausage for dinner along with fresh local asparagus, a nice pear salad, and for dessert, we roasted SMores over the portable BBQ. Then we whiled the night away playing card games. Too many giggles to relate. I also got in twenty-five miles on my bike. I know it sounds redundant, but life is good, especially today.

Thin gruel is the order of the day. Lunch options include Lebanon Bologna to baked ham sandwiches, grecia zwibach (SP--hard baked buns soaked with butter).
Everybody went their own way at the Amish Country Store. Kel and Karen bought the sticky sweet cinnamon buns.
Scott and Kate bought the "mud-somethings".
Rod and Karen bought Angel food cake mix and the ends of the deli-meats (bargains).
I was so busy reading the warning signs, I forgot to document our visit.
I spotted this farm on my bike ride, so we went back to buy the fresh asparagus.
The boys sipping suds.
Dinner: Sonnenburg Sweet Italian sausage, sauteed peppers and onions, baked beans, pear salad, chips, olives, pickled jalapeƱos, and whatever else could be found in the "Dorothy M" like fridge.
SMores without the fuss.
Aunt Karen's version of SMores.
Judy and Miss Karen yucking it up at the counter at the Amish Country store.
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