Adventure 392: St. George, Utah/Post D
Still dreaming. |
It was a slow day in Lake Woe St. George. Judy, though she felt better, still suffered a bit from the aftershocks of being bugged. (She did feel good enough to beat me this morning and double skunk me this afternoon). We passed on church this morning, and mostly made like lumpy rugs spread over furniture. We did manage to watch four exciting basketball games, none of which held any real passion for us. In the early afternoon we took a walk around the block, which perked us both up, and later we found enough energy to ride the bike around the neighborhood for about ten miles. Judy held up fine, so we plan to extend our stay here through tomorrow so we can ride in Snow Canyon. The other reason is that the weather North in the next few days calls for rain, while here in St. George the weather promises to be a little better. During our ride, we both had a sense of nostalgia. When we grew up, Sunday meant that stores were closed, and families spent time together at home. That doesn't happen so much in America any more, but it does happen here. Even if we hadn't already had a plan for dinner, we wouldn't have been able to find much in St. George. Most eateries are closed on Sundays, and if the empty streets are any indication, most people were at home enjoying time with their families. We did ride through the old town historical district, which houses the children's museum, a water park, and a remodeled historical area that is now offered for commercial lease. It's interesting to note that there were families with kids playing in the water park and enjoying themselves. It's also interesting to note that all of those families we saw were Hispanic. In reality, we were just stretching our legs, biding our time until Judy fully recovers. We hope that will be tomorrow morning, but we'll see. The simple fact is that life is still pretty good, especially today.

We had planned on attending Mass here at St. George Catholic Church. This late afternoon photo is as close as we got. Bottom line: No preaching today.
This is one angle of the historical village, which appears to be among the first of the private residences built in St. George.
Very cool sculpture. Quite different from the bronze family oriented sculptures which dot the town like markers on a path guiding parental behavior.
There she is, back in action.
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