Just me looking at things. |
Our last day in the park found us lounging (A day of rest) under the shaded area at our campsite. Judy read, knitted a few pearls and whey, played the Ukulele, and wandered a short distance to discover some new birds. I did a few Tai Chi exercises, refilled the trailer's water tank, and contemplated our world at large. (Just a note: Judy says I should refrain from getting "worked up" as it's bad for my blood pressure). My response is a more rapid spinning, much like tires stuck in sand or snow--the wheels revving to dangerous RPMS. For example, I'm more worried than I've ever been about the safety of the planet, and it occurred to me in a "doubting Tim" moment that maybe God likes conflict. After all, we've had centuries of it. Maybe His plan is to see who indeed survives in the battle of fitness. History is rank with human slaughter, much of it on baseless grounds, and too much of it in the name of God. I read something recently that allegedly purports to describe Steve Bannon's view on the Muslim world. It said, and I paraphrase, that he's a militant Catholic whose main fear is that the militant arm of the Muslim faith is metastasizing faster than governments can react. He sees the world, most bleakly I might add, in terms of a great battle between Christianity and Islam. Wow! According to the 2010 census there are approximately 2.6 billion people on the planet who profess some version of Christianity. (As a side note: It's always amazed me that there are so many different views of Christianity, all of whom claim to have "the" answer, and "the" ear to the Lord). But let's set that aside for a while. In the same census, Muslims totaled 1.6 billion followers. That leaves approximately 3 billion unaccounted for (Asia, who may also have something invested in the conflict). The interesting fact is that Islam is growing the fastest of any religion on Earth, and by the end of the century, the number of Muslim believers will outdistance Christians. If what I've read about Bannon is true, this must scare the bats out of his belfry. So what if, in some wild twist of fate, the civil discords between the various factions of Christian and Muslim boil down to two. Would that be a battle the Lord would enjoy witnessing? Imagine, two radical factions, both steeped in a fervor based on God. I don't know who would win, but the thought alone is disturbing. (Thankfully, I'm just a fantasy writer). In reality, I'm not really into conflict. I'd rather see the human race accept the notion that we're more alike than we are different, and that we should work in every way possible to ensure our mutual existence. In the meantime, as I sit here in the shade next to my Bunny, I'm quite sure that life is good, especially today.

The trail leads ever on.
Follow the sun.
It's radiance is blinding.
I've taken this shot several times. The light is always changing on the cliffs.
We're quite content to enjoy this place. Thank you, Lord.
Even though sometimes the path is rugged.
Sometimes it seems so easy
And who knows what waits around the bend.
Sometimes the peace comes from following faithfully.
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