I really, really love the comfort of food. I love everything about the process from the selecting of ingredients to the preparation to the sharing. It may be the sharing I love most. Whenever we're with any of our friends or relatives we literally plan the next food event while we're enjoying the current feast. Maybe it's the anticipation; I don't know. But it got me to thinking about what feeds a marriage. I can't speak for others, but for me and Judy it's little things-like kissing often, wintling (Defined as a tight hug mixed with unmoving feet, which provides the solid foundation for a gentle sway back and forth like willows in the wind), and of course, the small kindnesses like a warm wash cloth in the morning, or warming the bed on a winter's night. For our friends, the Ulmen's it's coffee served in bed by one or the other and love notes left in lunches. And most assuredly it's all the rules set forth in First Corinthians 13. For about to be weds like Kate and Scott, it's starting with like minds because as sure as the sun rises anything is possible if two at least believe. The hard part after starting is to keep that faith alive through all the silent sufferings such as socks left on the floor, and seats up, and sudden inexplicable crying fits, and unspoken wishes screaming like white elephants in the room. But growing together like two strong grafts, bound by promise, is like vitamix feeding a relationship. What feeds a marriage? joy, experience, tolerance, trust, and of course there is always the unconditional love. As Judy and I were saying today: we spend nearly everyday together. That's 24/7/365 for those keeping score. Actually, it's really something like 355 on average, but whatever it is it's a lot of socks to pick up. I don't feel right describing the mundane travelogue of our last day in Challis, but suffice to say, life is good, especially today.
The first photo was breakfast: A Mario Batali recipe of poached eggs in tomato sauce served over toasted garlic bread topped with fresh parmesian cheese and garnished with a sprig if basil. For lunch, a hand formed burger made from local fully fatted beef at the Sawmill Junction halfway between Challis and Stanley.
I think this is a picture of Scott and Kate's first home. I can't be certain since it was reported on Fox News.
Sixty plus years of marrige represented in this selfie.
Art shot of the day: Love grows round and round.
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