Adventure 269: Challis Hot Springs/Post C
Smile, Stanely. |
We hit the road with the chickens this morning, for two reasons. First to eat breakfast at the quite fabulous Stanley Baking Company, and second to ride next to the gorgeous Sawtooth Mountains. I love well prepared food (Probably explains my growth spurt), and this place was worth the twisting, turning sixty mile drive up the Salmon river. Also worth it was the ride. We didn't ride that far (24 miles), but we did enjoy the view. We also got to share another day with our good friends, the Ulmens. Dave and I taught together for the last twelve years of my thirty-one year career. It was like a good marriage. Our constant collaboration made for a great working situation, and our students benefitted greatly. Now that we're retired, we've cintinued the relationship. I've been thinking about marriage quite a bit thanks to Miss Kate's proposed entry into the realm. In a good marriage, the love grows along with the friendship, but what lasts after the body parts sag and the memories run together is the companioship. There's also much confort that comes from the sharing, even when you get to the point where you have to re-invent the memories. Recently, I heard a snippet from one of Mr. Trump's panderings in which he espoused that for America to be great again, we must be wealthy. For me, wealth is relative. I'm weathy enough financially, but more importantly, I'm fabulously wealthy in love, health, and friendship. And next to Scott Kempf, I'm the luckiest guy on the planet. I guess if reasonable men agree to disagree, one subject that can be in question is what defines wealth. I believe all that glitters is not gold. I must add that I'm also wealthy in terms of grace (Undeserved for sure). Therefore, I state from the lofty perch of my kingdom's throne, "Life is good, especially today.
Me and my Bunny reenacting a past love moment.
Come to this place right away!
The Basque Scramble and a half order of bisquits and gravy.
They even named a creek after me. I must be lucky.
Just s small sample of the grandeur.
Can you imagine living here then?
Art shot of the day: Crystal Green Persuasion.
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