Stumpy and Lumpy |
Rod and Karen left in the early A.M. for an all day and half the night stint at the Polls. Rod is the supervisor/judge (Here comes the Judge) and Karen is the head clerk. Today, the administrated over 111 voters in twelve hours (Ain't America great). Meanwhile Judy and I fended for ourselves. We quickly fell into a familiar routine (Oatmeal and cribbage). I managed to spank the Cager into tears as large as Badger tails (Go Duke), but I fell short of skunking her. I think it was because she tried to say thirty-one for three a couple of times. She claimed she was rusty or she forgot or the Tarot cards weren't real or some such jibber-jabber. After breakfast we cleaned the trailer (Judy, actually) and we did the wash (Judy, actually and then I readied the bicycle for our ride with Dave Redmon, an avid cyclist and church member at Rod and Karen's church. Dave took us on about a twenty-five mile ride out toward Ft. Riley. The road was shoulder less, but as smooth as a Jody Nix melody. We rode into a West wind on the way out (Never a cyclist's idea of fun), but the ride back in was fast and smooth. Since Rod and Karen weren't going to be home until after eight, Judy and I decided to trek down to Aggie Town to primp and romp like college kids (We were both wearing our Gonzaga sweatshirts). We shared a veggie burrito at a local watering hole and then negated our healthy dinner with a scoop of very rich ice cream from the Cold Stone Creamery. It was just like a date, but then we've been on one long date now for twenty-five years. As an evening finale, we used the miracle of technology to talk with Kel, Karen, Kate, and Scott down in Comer, Georgia, which given its description makes satellite coverage all the more miraculous. In all, we enjoyed another good day, especially considering Kansas blessed us with one of its finest spring days. The temperature was in the seventies, the wind was steady, but not too stiff, and the Flint Hills were gorgeous. On our travels, we've seen some places that left me scratching my head as to why anyone would want to put roots down, but that is not the case in this part of Kansas. Enjoying an afternoon such as this, it's easy to be reminded that life is good, especially today.

Papa ready for a ride.
My tribute to the end of hoop season. A sad day for a junkie.
Dave Redmon, our tour guide for the day.
Here's Dave in action.
Kansas ain't flat.
But this area is riddled with stone buildings.
Like this place: The Otto Ranch.
Dave took us on a little side trip to this county park.
A very rigid walnut grove.
Dave says people swim in this mud puddles they call creeks, but I can tell you: It's not Priest Lake.
Art shot of the day. I call it--K State Co-eD tanning her legs.
The farms are well kept.
This horse especially likes his life.
Hot Rod of the Day.
Aggie Town Rocks
One of the nice little watering holes in Aggie Town. We drank water, but I could smell the hops.
I'd better get myself whipped into better shape for our next biking venture. Judy's knee will be fully recovered and your 2-horse tandem will leave me even further behind. Always fun times riding with you honeymooners. : -)
ReplyDeleteI'd better get myself whipped into better shape for our next biking venture. Judy's knee will be fully recovered and your 2-horse tandem will leave me even further behind. Always fun times riding with you honeymooners. : -)