Sunday, February 25, 2024

Adventure 905: Tucson Winter Two/13

Today's scripture emphasis was based on a passage from Jeremiah that talks about the transformation that occurs at the potter's wheel. Clearly, the Lord is spinning the wheel; we're mere clay. In terms of my own transformation, I'm still the same sinner I was last week, so I sometimes wonder what stage I'm at concerning God's plan. I think I'm a little past the stage where I've been plopped, kneaded, and molded. I'm trying to stay centered so that whatever form I end up taking rises straight, strong, and useful. I aim each day to be an empty vessel, a willing recipient of God's grace. In truth, I sometimes resist. I go my own way, which causes my sides to heave and my edges to curl. Yet, I persevere. I hold onto the faith that God accepts me.

In the lat sixties, Jim Morrison of the Doors, screeched into the microphone, "You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!" I disagree. I pray every day that our better angels will prevail. I pray that Donald Trump will become the leader he claims to be, that he will use his undeniable persuasive power for the betterment of all, that he will be less of a "Christian" and more of a disciple, that he will serve others over himself. that he will be a voice of inspiration rather than a fire hose of dissent, and (if elected) that he twill truly lead our country to a greatness that stands as a beacon for liberty and justice for all.

Like needn't be said, "God, I know you're listening."

I fashioned this empty bowl in church this morning.

Too often we're left with this sad refrain.

In our own transformation, Judy and I (both here in Tucson and at home in Spokane) have been volunteering at food kitchens. It may not be much, but it puts an energy of caring into the world. That has to be a good thing. Note: The Cross Street program at Southside Presbyterian has been serving the homeless population in Tucson for over twenty-five years.

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