Sunday, April 2, 2023

Adventure 860: Day 83/Tucson/2023

Palm Sunday as I've never experienced, brought to life through living truth, left me humbled. Reenacted, the call to worship stated, "When they came to Bethphage and Bethany, at the Mount of Olives, Jesus gave two disciples a task, saying to them, 'Go into the village. As soon as you enter you will find tied up a colt that no one has ridden. Untie it and bring it here.' They brought the colt to Jesus and threw their clothes upon it, and Jesus sat on it. Many people spread out their clothes on the road while others spread branches cut from the fields. Here, church members, the pastor, and children of the church paraded through the sanctuary waving branches of mesquite. Then came the anointing at Bethany (Matthew 26: 6-13) where Jesus' faithful complained about the waste of valuable oils. Jesus rebuked them. The special music was "Ride On King Jesus". From there Jesus arrived at the last supper (Matthew 26: 17-29) where Jesus predicted his betrayal. The congregation was served communion. Special music was the hymn "Eat this Bread". Jesus then moved to the Garden of Gethsemane (Mark 14: 26-27; 32-42) where he prayed. Special music sung in a solo by the music director's wife. She sang "This Bitter Earth".....not so much for those in faith. Then came the betrayal, the arrest, the trial. Special music: "Were you there when they crucified my Lord?" Then the equivocation of Pontius Pilot, after which came the crucifixion (Mark 15: 16-21) Special music: "No Greater Lover". Followed by scripture: (Luke 23: 32-43) Special music: "Jesus Remember Me". Followed by scripture: (Luke 23: 44-46) Special music: "O Sacred Head Now Wounded"  Then a call to Confession and solemn reproaches of the cross:

O my people, O my church what more could I have done for you? Answer me! I delivered you from captivity through the water of baptism but you handed me over to my captors, giving me up to die; and you have prepared a cross for your savior.

And then the deacons placed a shroud over the communion table. Special music: "Calvary".

And then we were sent out in silence. "Jesus, Lamb of God, have mercy on us."

My voiced was silenced, but my heart was filled. Sad I am to leave Tucson, if only for Sunday mornings. My suggestion is that you follow along with the readings, and maybe the songs, for then you will realize that life is good, especially today.

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