Saturday, November 1, 2014

Adventure 163: Groveland, California/Post B

The view from our living room this morning.
As expected, rain fell through the night and most of the morning. We spent the day lounging. Judy knitted. I watched college football with one eye open and one dozing. Nothing is better for napping than a rhythmic ping of rain and the constant drone of meaningless sports talk. Mid-morning the skies cleared enough for us to do the form, and just as quickly a dark cloud unleashed another splash of much needed rain. Late in the afternoon, the skies took a serious turn toward clearing, so we walked the two mile nature walk around the resort. The light played softly through the trees. We neither saw nor sensed any wild animals out to devour us, and we even mined for gold. Sadly, we still have no idea what gold looks like, so I may have thrown a fortune away. Who knows? We're hoping the weatherman is both right and on time tomorrow because our plan is to attend the Evangelical Free Church in the morning and then venture into the Yosemite Valley. According to the prognosticators, the sun is supposed to poke its cheery head over the mountains and warm continually through the week. If that happens, our visit to Yosemite will be great. If not, our visit will be great anyway. Every time we venture out, we're struck by the fresh mountain air, our freshly renewed spirits, and the good fortune of our God's grace. On these mountain slopes our world seems cool, crisp, fresh, and it seems like it's mostly ours. We're one of three trailers in the whole park. No others are in our loop (Maybe it's something we ate.) But I'm sure it wasn't the pizza we had for dinner. We drove the short jaunt into town and had a delicious medium BBQ chicken pizza at Two Guys Pizza Pies. We read a review that was spot on. It hit the spot, and best of all, we have some left for our mid-evening snack. It may seem like all we do is eat, sight see, and play cards, but wait...that is what we do. Come join us! We talked to a lady the morning we left Santa Rosa. They had spent the summer near Glacier, and they were on their way to meet twenty other couples to spend the winter in Mexico. She said they meet at the border just south of Tucson in late December.  They cross the border together, and then spread their easy chairs along the beach under the sunny skies of the Gulf of California. It speaks to the more is merrier point of view. The only way we can imagine life being any better would be to change this vicarious  journey into a shared experience with our dearest friends and relatives. You know what that shill for Motel 6 says, "We'll leave the light on for ya."
 To counter the damp morning, we opted for comfort: Huckleberry pancakes with an egg and bacon.

 We transformed the dinette into its lounge status.
 And then we waited for the promise of the waxing moon.
 Off down the nature trail in search of gold.
 What a nugget!
 The forest light made art in every direction.
 Believe it, or not. This is the same tree from the back.
 Shadows still creeping from last night's Hallowed Eve.
 This photo can't come close to the emerald sheen on this tree.
 Miss Judy showing off some monkey behavior.
 Tomorrow's adventure.
Was it something we ate?

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