Tuesday, March 26, 2024

Adventure 909: Tucson Winter Two/17

Our lives have become so routine there hasn't been much to share. That all changed this week when our youngest daughter, Libby, spent four days with us. While the weather could have been better, we had much fun cooking, hiking, exploring, watching movies, cheering on the Zags, and generally enjoying our time together. As an aded bonus, my cousin Joan came to Tucson for the weekend. She's looking to spend next winter here. We took a hike, had dinner, and toured a few neighborhoods looking for suitable housing. It was fun and good to see her. Other than that, our time is fast coming to an end for this season. We head home on April 10 and with traveling mercies, we should arrive at our Perch by the thirteenth. Libby's time here also included her finding a spot for our whole family to spend a week together this coming July. It will be our fourth straight summer gathering most (if not all) the troops in one place. Many things in life are fraught with difficulties. Having family together helps mitigate the angst, and helps make life good. And you know what I say: Life is good, especially today.

Of course, we had to take Libby to Tumerico for some delicious vegetarian Cuban Tacos.

It was a bit cool when we went on our hike with Joan, but since she's been wintering in Park City, Utah, where the snow is deep and the roads are icy, she thought the weather was just balmy.

While not a Tucson specialty, a trip to In and Out is always worthy.

Maybe our best outing was brunch at the Tohono Chul Bistro where Libby and I slurped Prickly Pear Margaritas.

Selfie of the day.
Libby capturing one cactus.

Then a few others.

The ladies enjoying an afternoon Eegees cocktail. Agave tequila provided by Mrs. Drouin.

Thiis majestic saguaro lives midst the palo verde trees at Tohono Chul.

After taking Libby to the airport, Judy and I enjoyed a classic Mexican infused diner breakfast at the very popular (and excellent) Franks/Francisco's. It brought me back to my roots.

Art shot of the Day: Don't worry; Be happy. Eat and get out!

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