Saturday, June 17, 2023

Adventure 867: A View from the Perch/6

We're a month and a day into our life here at the "Perch". We've met several folks, all of whom have interesting stories. We're amazed at how quickly each day passes as we continue to adjust to our new surroundings. Our move reminds me of how I felt when I retired from teaching. My comment then: "When you pull your hand out of the bucket, you're simply out of the bucket." The water barely ripples, and so soon no one remembers you were even there. I feel a little like that now. Shortly, after the sale, we had the urge to drive by our old house. Our reactions were different. Judy felt happy that the new owners really loved the house, and that it was a perfect fit for their needs. I scowled and thought as we drove by, "What are those people doing in my house?" But now I've moved past that feeling. I feel good each time I walk into our new home. It feels more comfortable each day. The food continues to be good, the service is better, the construction workers are diligently "punching" out the finishing touches on the building, and the general feeling of the place is warm and welcoming. By this time next year, the gardens will be ready, the pickle ball court will be finished, the wood shop will be operating, the population will be at full occupancy, and life in general will move apace. In the meantime, I've built a couple of custom furniture pieces for the space, and our only angst is the "rug". It's all about the rug, and until it arrives we'll not be able to finish the decorating. Everyone should have such problems, and it makes me realize that life is good, especially today.

One of our air plants bloomed. Amazing!

Our sandhill crane is visiting Liz Ulmen's garden until the landscaping is done. We'll stick it into the water feature after it's completed.

For now the TV sits on top of the dining room table. After the rug arrives, the TV will be mounted on the wall. In the meantime, I'm trying to watch less news, but when I do, I live mostly in my MSNBC silo; However, I still sometimes ruffle my feathers listening to the disingenuous blather spewing from the right, all the while trying to keep my own self-righteousness in check. After all, as the song says, "It's hard to be humble when you're perfect in every way." HA!

I customized this shelf to keep for our keys just inside the front door.

I also made this side table to go between our chairs. Both pieces offer some satisfaction.

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