Dead Horse State Park outside of Moab has dibs on our all time favorite campground. Heyburn State Park is number two. The plethora of mixed pines and the rustic feel of the place embrace a peacefulness that's pretty close to the Hallmark card for camping in America. The best part of the place is that it's an hour from our home, which made it easy to arrive yesterday at one, lounge away the day reading, resting, and stoking the fire. It rained over night, but we met the morning peeking a few sun rays through the trees. We had breakfast, a quick game of crib. I'm $2.21 ahead with five days remaining in the Month-or payday as it's known. Paying up means we go to the coffee shop for a scone where one of us pulls the credit card out and the one's lost that month considers the debt paid. It's all good. We rode fifty miles today on the trail with a break for lunch in Harrison. The local grocery store also sells a bit of food. They make fabulous cold sandwiches, We shared a pastrami, pepper jack on pumpernickel flush with all the trimmings. Not to be out done, (Our meals compete with each other for favorite status) we'll bbq some T-Bones tonight fo dinner along with asparagus and zucchini. Salad on the side. We'll scoot home tomorrow, knowing that life is good.
Diet Pepsi, a smash mouth sandwich, and nacho cheese Doritos. Truly the good life.
The cribbage battlefield. If you can imagine it, The Cager said yesterday the she's was going to start cheating.
Frac doesn't get enough love. Come in for a look.
Sleek entry, No?
Nice rear.
Tall enough for a man to stand in the "One Butt" kitchen.
We take turns.
While much smaller than our bed at home, we seem to thrive in the closer proximity.
And of course,, the kitchen is fully equipped, highlighted by the custom made cutting board my buddy, Dave Ulmen made. It's just one of the many places I keep him around.
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