Life is good when you're hugging your sister.
If we were the Drouin's, we'd have left Hutchinson this morning dancing in our seats to Willie Nelson's "On the Road Again" . Alas, we merely left weeping in sweet sadness. Happy we were to spend time in Kansas. These Kansans smile so often, I suspect they know some secret the rest of us would never understand. But of course, sister secrets cannot be divulged. Arlene fixed us a stick to the ribs Kansas breakfast, which served us well until Belleville, Kansas where we once again stopped for lunch, a repeat of the trip down. At cribbage, the Wiley Cager put one over me, probably because I was gloating about being the big Hollywood Gin winner making the cribbage gods punish my arrogance. We fixed "Dagwood" lettuce wraps filled with turkey, Karen's sweet mustard, and a healthy slice of Lebanon Bologna. For sweet treats we enjoyed some Hutchinson style pepper nuts and slices of tart Rainier apple. At the end of the day, once again we were blessed with traveling mercies, and after nearly seven hours of drive time we're snuggled safely in the Holiday RV Park in North Platte. In honor of leaving Kansas, Judy fixed us a dinner of smashed potatoes, green peas, sauerkraut, and two significant chunks of smoked boneless pork chops that we bought at Jackson Meat in Hutchinson. Safe to say, the sodium content is not one my cardiologist would recommend, but I'd defy him to deny a bite of the sumptuous feast. It may well be that good rich food is the secret that Kansans smile about. Regardless, good food is one of the things that make life good, especially today.

Lunch stop in Belleville, Kansas.
I wonder if these three are sisters?
Sisters two this morning.
If you want a real secret, we'll teach you how to enjoy wine while wearing a mask.
Falcon looks like he just finished a Kansas buffet.
If you plant it, it will grow.I'd drive across country to come here.Macaroni and cheese loaf may be the smiling secret??This place is a seriously tempting spot for impulse buying: Lebanon Bologna anyone?
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