Adventure 516: Snow Canyon State Park/Post C
A nice impression. |
Gratefully, another restful night. We woke to a cool day, he blue sky sprinkled with soft, puffy clouds that made me think of how it must have been for the Impressionists in Paris sipping coffee and enjoying rich chocolate puff pastries in cafes along every rue. We had no pastries, but Judy did fix a wonderful pancake breakfast, after which I skinned her to take a 4-2 lead in the Snow Canyon series. Not to worry, Cager fans, she has two whole days to recover. After breakfast we hiked the West Canyon Road the full eight miles. The sky, still soft with puffy clouds, followed us up the box canyon toward the white mountains at the end. This park, once known as Dixie State Park, was named after a benefactor named snow. Originally, it was inhabitated by the Anazi's and later by the Pauite's. Sometime around 1850, Mormon ranchers looking for lost cattle discovered the canyon. Today, it's a popular destination for day hikers, bikers, campers, climbers, backpackers, and the like. As we've come to expect in Utah, the park is exquisitely maintained and expertly managed. Other states in the Union should take lessons. Tomorrow will be a bike riding day, weather permitting. Another cold front could come in, which would then find Judy and I snuggled in Frac watching episodes of Heartland. It's really hard to get any better, and life is truly good, especially today.

The desert is beginning its spring bloom.
My and my Bunny.
The Bunny is in there somewhere.
The West Canyon Road ends up there somewhere.
Easy walking.
Judy, enjoying a peanut butter and huck/rasberry sandwich at the turn around spot on our hike.
Rainbow shadow.
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