Adventure 451: The Story of George, 47
May 1, 2018 |
Real time found George working a little magic. Regular readers may remember the fiasco a couple weeks back with the care giver we tried to hire to help George with his pills. I described the conniption fit he threw in some detail. Well, magically, the pills he "hid" in his desk drawer showed evidence of disappearing during the week. He had all seven morning slots empty and two afternoon slots, which made him 9/14 (64%) for the week. I guess he showed us! Our current approach stands: George is in charge of his own life. He does have a doctor's appointment next week as a follow up for his last emergency visit to the hospital. We got his blood work back. Things are generally high, but no higher than his previous measure. It will be interesting to hear what Dr. Mueller has to say. The real news in magic land is that George is once again thinking of wedding bells. His passion is blooming like daffodils or perhaps tulips. His face is flushed fire engine red, and when Judy and I stopped by the other day, George and Vina were snuggled together like soft little birds on the sofa. And George was chatty on the way to his blood draw. The discussion went like this. George says, "When do I get this catheter out?" I reply, "Never." He then asks Judy, "Do you think I should get married?" (This made me realize the purpose of the catheter question. In George's romantic mind, an active sex life is just a gold ring away.) Judy replied, "Remember what Vina said the last time. It won't work because it won't work financially. I think you should just stay with how things are now." Time will tell whether George will inhale the magic love dust of spring, or if he will take Judy's sage advice. We'll see.
As for us, we're heading up to Priest Lake tomorrow. We need no excuse, but we do have reasons. First, we hope to provide a nice relaxing space for Dave and Liz to rest their bones. Second, we have another coat to put on the recently replaced deck rail, and third, there's some manual labor that needs to be done, and what virile George spawn wouldn't want to wield a pick ax and an adz. How better to learn the lesson of age related soreness, but truly it's the good life to feel like a virile man. Just ask George.
Noraville awaits.
George motoring out the door for his blood draw.
he climbs up into the cab all by himself.
Here, he's discussing his "floppy foot" with Judy. The foot condition occurred as a result of a surgery mistake, which severed something that controls the reflex action. He has a brace, but he doesn't wear it. So it will stay as is.
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