Friday, February 9, 2018

Adventure 442: The Story of George, 19

February 9, 2018
Real time provided more excitement and challenge for George today. This morning Judy and I walked over just before breakfast began (Close to 7:30). He had on a very nice purple sweater (It's wear purple day) and he matched Vina's attractive get up. We had come to tell him that the physical therapist would be there at one instead of at nine, and we left. I walked back around 11:30. Tai Chi class starts at 11:45. George was Wii bowling with the crowd. I watched him throw three or four Wii balls. He looked fine. However, it turns out that on his first turn he had taken a fall. I didn't see it but George described himself as twisting and stumbling backwards into a sitting position. It was a soft enough landing that his head wasn't involved, so the torque must have been mild. He did land right on his sore hip. He has several things "not" going for himself in that regard. First, he has arthritis, which is causing the pain. Second, he's skinny as a scarecrow; Third, his muscle tone is fairly weak, although he can get himself up from sitting position quite easily. In addition, he has his floppy foot that is left over from a botched prostate surgery some years ago. Fortunately, Joel, the physical therapist arrived with some good exercises, some good therapy, and some good advice. So now George is alternating heat and ice, doing a couple butt cheek pushups on his bed, and taking tylenol. What a life!

Joel came in the middle of lunch so Judy went to the room with dad. I stayed and ate with Vina. She told me all about how the romance with George started. In 2015, Vina moved into Harvard Park in March, three months before George arrived at the end of July. Her husband of over fifty years had passed. Their ranchette on the West Plains was too much for her to handle by herself, so she chose Harvard Park as her independent living apartment. Vina worked most of her professional life as parish secretary. She has a heart of gold, and a way of "getting things done". Some say she's bossy, and if if weren't for her pure intentions it would be easy to assume that. Anyway, she noticed George right away, and he noticed her. Vina dresses well. He make up is perfectly applied. Her hair shines and is stylishly cut.  She must have been like a beacon to George because in his best teen voice he began insulting her right away. When he was first introduced to Vina, he was polite enough, but after a couple of meetings and almost constant surveillance, he didn't know what to make of her "getting into everyone's business". He started calling her "Grapevine",  to which she took an immediate dislike. They sparked like that for a few months. In December, a TV reporter named Ashleigh Korslien came to Harvard Park to interview Vina about Pearl Harbor. Vina had been instrumental in drumming up some publicity for the men who survived Pearl Harbor. Actually, Denny, her first husband had served 25 years in the Navy. He was a survivor at Pearl Harbor. Somehow George's name came up since Vina knew he was a Navy vet, too. Ashleigh wanted a picture of the two of them, so first she went down to George's apartment to meet him. Ashleigh liked George, which she related to Vina in these terms, "Go for it." You see, a few weeks earlier, George had shown up at Vina's door. When she answered his  knock, he said, "I want to kiss you." Vina, flush with dignity declined, but she says now she did feel flushed at the time. Long story short, when Ashleigh came for the Pearl Harbor feature, George coincidentally became the chosen one for the photo. Once George received Ashleigh's seal of approval, Vina started smooching away.

 Vina looking her radiant self!
 George taking his turn in Wii bowl.
 He left the seven pin, but picked up the spare. He looked solid to me.
Joel, whose competence and compassion brought light to the room, worked with Dad for about a half hour on balance tests, walking tests, and a little memory work.

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