Honey Moon Shiners |
Mother Nature swaddled us in her lush green arms as we roller coasted our way about 100 miles along the Blue Ridge Parkway. Our destination was Glendale Springs and West Jefferson, NC to see the religiously based fresco paintings created by artist Ben Long. Along the way Mother nature opened her arms here and there to allow us a peek at the magnificence of her creation, and while it was a hazy day, her grand vistas filled us with joy. As Jimmy Valvano, former NC State basketball coach, said in an ESPY speech he gave just before he died of cancer: "You should laugh deeply from the belly every day; you should think deep, serious thoughts every day; and you should cry heartfelt tears every day. We did all three today. I chortled like the hero's father in Jabberwocky when Judy exclaimed, "I feel like a queen." I thought how magnificent America is, so filled with the trappings of courageous people carving their lives from every sphere. And I cried salty tears while sitting on a straight backed pew, gazing at the magnificent work of Ben Long. Like Valvano said, "It's a full day to laugh, think, and cry." We've had a full day, we're ever thankful we get to experience what America has to offer (Once again Mr. Trump, it bears repeating,"America is already great, and wealth means more than money"). For example, we ran across a group of about thirty-five Model T automobiles when we stopped at Mabry's Mill. They were a club from Missouri on a tour. For now, they're based in Galax, Virginia, and they're driving about 100 miles each day through the back roads of the Appalachians. Isn't this a testament to the good fortune we experience as Americans? Here are about seventy people, investing time and money to catch a little nostalgia, and best of all, they're free to do it. Think of the many hobbyists you know. Think of your own. Then think. When was the last time you had bombs exploding in your city, behind your home, threatening your children, your loved ones, your way of life? We are truly blessed. And yet there IS confusion, there IS evil, some might say insanity. We have a mass killing every week in this country, and have had since the eighties (Look it up). We're not immune to mass terror, nor are we immune to personal loss, but I'm not ready as some politicians are to accuse a whole religion to be the cause, nor am I ready to give in to personal fear. The most recent tragedy in Orlando could just as easily be homophobia or hatred of Puerto Ricans, or it could simply be one guy gone crazy. At the very least, it speaks to something unbalanced, but to label every act of nonsense as Radical Islamic Terrorism is ignorant, reactionary, and short sighted. The real question is "What can we do to alleviate the suffering of the disenfranchised? How can we ensure everyone has an opportunity to succeed? How can we maintain the hopes this country was built on? Is it enough to live as kind and grateful people? Is there more that should be asked of us?" I don't know, and I'm slipping into a bout with guilt (As happens) because I've been blessed with opportunity, health, desire, and the means to enjoy life every day. I've worked hard for it, but I will never believe that I deserve it. I never fail to be thankful for this undeserved grace. Instead, I simply Praise the Lord by saying, "Life is good, especially today."

Art shot of the day: Flowered Mountain Coffee.
Hey Henry, I thought you could have any color as long as it was black."
Just cruisin'.
The Mabry Mill was powered by a water wheel, which has multiple sizes to change speeds.
Courage, ingenuity, industry, and vision: America Great!
Fric enjoying a stretch of the crooked road.
Orleans Picket, who lived in this cabin, had 24 children, all of whom died. She responded to her manifest misfortune by becoming a midwife. She delivered at least 1,000 babies. She never lost a child or a mother, and delivered her last baby at the age of 102. Can I have an Amen!?
A bit hazy, but no less awesome.
We beat this threatening rain home by mere minutes. The drops are chattering atop the trailer as we speak, just another magnificent expression of God's love.
Do this in memory of me.
ey Thomas, there's no need to doubt.
I offer myself for the sins of the world.
Great thoughts..... I shared a portion of yours on my page today.... Thank you.