That's no frog; it's a Turkey carrying Stumpy. |
Novelist E.L. Doctorow says that the art of writing "is like driving at night in the fog. You can only see as far as your headlights, but you can make the whole trip that way." This morning, Stumpy and I felt like the art of writing was the art of traveling as we headed toward Los Banos in a pea soup fog for our Airstream's recall. It seems that the Airstream factory worried about loose electrical connections causing fire, so they recalled the new 2014 trailers. Our recall turned out to be unnecessary, but none the less, we jogged our trip an extra couple hundred miles just to be safe. The whole event took just about an hour, after which we got cheap gas and a pretty good Quiznos club sub. By one-thirty, we were pulling into the Lover's Point slip at the Carmel by the River RV park. Judy took a nap, since her morning began at about midnight. (One of the most uncomfortable parts of knee replacement is finding a comfortable way to sleep-Stumpy ain't there yet.) I did the form in my T-shirt and shorts under encouragingly blue skies and mid sixties temperature. Shortly after that, we went to the local grocery store to replenish our pantry. Since I missed the turn to the shopping center, we also toured the Rich Mitch residential section of the artsy burg of Carmel By the Sea. My only disappointment was not finding Clint Eastwood's house so he could invite us for dinner. Maybe tomorrow. During the drive, my bunny (Stumpy) asked me to roll up the window ( I was happily basking in the warm salt breeze). Then she turned the heat up so high, I felt like a roasting turkey. We're compatible in most ways, but our body clocks are quite different. After I moaned about being basted, she made some guttural Kansan slur (I love how she lets me tease her; it only costs an occasional caustic Judy bite). Then, naturally, a short while later, she was rolling the windows down. (I think the phenomenon is called Stumpopause). We laughed and now here we are getting ready for our dinner of Mexican Quinoa and fresh Tamales, which we bought from an elderly Hispanic man this morning at his tire shop. We were topping off our tires, and he was making money for his church. Much of the richness of traveling through the fog like we do is meeting people of all types. We stay here for another day, so tomorrow we'll walk the beach in Carmel, find some over-priced naturo-pathic lunch spot that most likely will be fabulous, and generally believe that life is good, especially today.

It took about an hour for the technicians to check out our perfectly fine electrical connections. Better safe than crispy.
They have several brand new wide open Streamers waiting for freshly retired travelers. What are you waiting for?
Fric and Frac resting outside the local Quiznos in Los Banos.
If you saw the road that twisted like a politician's tongue, you'd understand.
Stumpy grinning despite the fact she was skunked this morning.
We get quite a wide space for our $60/night.
Our neighborhood is full of long term residents.
My art shot of the day across the drive from the organic market.
An organic farm girl (Blues singing cowgirl?) trimming branches without gloves.
Pesticide free flowers smelling ever so sweet.
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