Adventure 148: Grandparent's Weekend/Portland, OR/Post A
Home Sweet Chad |
Blessed by traveling mercies, we traveled to Portland under bright blue skies and mild winds through the glorious scenery of the Columbia River gorge. Few places in America offer such grandeur, especially when the sun glitters off the water, gaggles of fishing boats lay in wait for prehistoric sturgeon, and the magnificence of Mt. Hood lords over the land. The only dampening note was the drubbing I took in the morning game. The Wily Cager is ahead 23 dollars after two games, but not to worry; I'm as patient as the Chinese. Today, her shenanigans included a hand where she tried to keep all six cards instead of throwing two to the crib. I guess she thought that part was optional. No matter, we were on the road by ten and traffic was light, another bonus. After a bit of a turnaround (We took I-84 instead of the correct I-205) we arrived at the home of Chad Gearin, our grandson's father around 1 P.M.. Chad was busy grouting the new tile in his master bathroom. Besides working as a full time contractor, he works regularly remodeling his house. It's fun to see the changes every time we visit. After nestling Frac into a space in front of the house, we were off to pick up Sawyer at his bus stop. Those of you who are a certain age can understand the glow that comes over a grandma when she's around her grandchildren, and the rest of you will get your turn soon enough. The first thing he did was show us his midterm report card, which is stuffed with four A's and two B's. He seems to be adjusting to middle school quite well, and he graciously endured a barrage of question as two former educators grilled him like a witness on the stand. Back at the trailer, Mimi (Alias, the Wily Cager) fixed him a snack and then helped him with his homework. I added the finishing touches on his writing assignment, but he actually didn't need much help from me. In fact, I complimented him on his perfect technique for citing a quotation. It's always good to see the kids grin. Then, we were off to dinner and ice cream (Ain't it great to spoil the children!). The finale was a twenty minute concert by Sawyer on his saxophone, which he began playing for the first time this year. As anyone can see, life is good, especially today.

Chad's house looks better every time we come.
Frac nestled in his camp site. We love the price!
Mimi and Sawyer.
Homework time in the trailer.
Sawyer rocking "Mary had a Little Lamb".
Already with the good finger technique.
Inspired by the watchful eye of Mimi.
Blow wind blow.
Gotta love those grandkids!