Starbuck's is thinking of offering a "Hind Teat Latte. |
What's a little more excitement? Judy and Elizabeth spent a few extra hours on the commute home from Spokane stuck on the side of the road with an overheated engine. It wasn't really car trouble. It seems Elizabeth's little Subaru stick shift didn't like inching over Snoqualmie Pass in bumper to bumper traffic through what was left of a twenty inch snow storm. I loved getting another call that put me in a position where I was helpless. The good news is that it turned out to be a mere delay. They rolled in safe and sound about eight thirty, just three hours late. Then we slept. The really sad part of the new day was that the wily cager spanked me into submission at my favorite cousin's house using his cards and his board. It was a brutally harsh start to the new day. We're now tied in the Queen Anne Open, but like the rest of our lives lately, the final outcome is uncertain. The day perked up as we enjoyed a nice day sloshing around downtown Seattle in the torrential rain with my youngest sister (Also Judy). She will return to her home in Uji City, Japan later in the week, so it was very nice to spend most of a day with her. Like regular idiot tourists, we ignored the torrents that were driven sideways by the winter wind. We were giddy as we enjoyed French pastries and coffee at Le Panier, delirious as we strolled through light crowds in the Pike Street Market, and absolutely orgasmic when we sipped Egyptian lentil soup in a cafe overlooking the Puget Sound. Metaphorically speaking, since life continues despite the rain, we couldn't have asked for a better day. Judy, my youngest full sister, is somewhere near six years younger than I am, but she is the proactive one in our group, which means she's made sure we've had contact over the years. She shared some of her perspectives, which filled in some time gaps in my memory. The bottom line, well wait there is no bottom line, but when sister Judy and I jump off our respective limbs of the crazy tree we come from, we find that our wings are working fine, and what's more, we realize we really have little reason to complain. After lunch, Judy caught a ferry and my Judy and I went over to Douglas and Nora's where we visited until it was time to meet our daughter, Elizabeth. A little later, I found myself feeling especially grateful to be walking behind my Bunny and my Boopie as we escorted Elizabeth to her second job. Some parents may be lucky enough to have their grown children living at home. As for me, I get to beam with pride as I watch my little "chip off the block" dig and claw her own way through this maze we call life, and even though I don't get to be with him today, I feel the same about my "favorite son". I'm easily the luckiest man on the planet., and it makes me smile. Smiles are good. Much in my life makes me smile, so once again I must say, "Life is good, especially today."

Since my sister is a Japanese (Sort of) tourist, we thought it only right she visit the Pike Street Market.
You can't even tell they were shivering, and they look pretty good considering they were as wet as drowned rats.
Not to worry, thin gruel was available. These are savory broccoli filled pastries.
This is some sort of French bear claw, filled with sweet cinnamon syrup and covered with slivered almonds.
Not to mention a very nice (And steaming hot) latte.
These two are deciding which to eat, the sweet or the savory.
This is my sister, Judy, posing for a Coca Cola ad (She had to write off the trip some how).
I wanted to go sailing. I have a boat that could have gotten out there in just an hour. They declined.
Then I offered a ride on the Ferris wheel. Again, they declined. (It's hard to be a tour guide with these two). You'd think they didn't like Seattle sunshine.
The Hoisington crib board was not my friend today.
As a second job, Libby manages clients at this exercise establishment. She is my favorite daughter, barre none.
Here is the "Budmandoo", my favorite son.
And here's the "Boopie", my favorite daughter.
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