Adventure 42: You're Darn Tootin' We Like Newton, KS
Oh, My, Lemon Pie. |
Fresh off my (I've got to take 'em when I can get 'em) latest victory in the Garden City Open, we took off across Western Kansas toward Newton on the most harrowing drive we've had. Four hours of heavy traffic, two lane driving filled with big trucks following, big trucks approaching, locals passing, and everyone encroaching well past the already too fast sixty-five mile per hour speed limit. The crosswind was well above twenty knots, and all of this exacerbated the knot in my back. Fortunately, Fric and Frac handled things well. To disenjangle (I made this word up) our nerves, we took a side trip to the biggest little town in Kansas (Halstead) where they have a historically registered building which houses a way cool hardware store: molded tin roof installed in the 1900s, sliding ladder to pluck turn of the century wares of all kinds, glass door knobs, numbered railway nails, wooden curios filled with pewter silverware, cast iron oddities, dolls, yellowed photos, and anything else you can imagine. The place even had individual glass jars filled with rock candy, licorice, and hoar hound, candy corns, orange slices, gum balls, and waxed fruit juice sticks, and more. It was back to the future, dust bowl style. As we left, the lady thanked us and retorted, "There's always something else to sort." As for me, I especially coveted the box full of metal claw footed glass feet. I could envision making a one of a kind shop stool. We arrived safely at our campsite right next to Wilbur and Arlene's house in South Newton. It's Wilbur's seventy-eighth birthday, so the well timed visit is uplifting for all. The big day, a trip into Judy's (and Arlene's) home town of Hutchinson, included a visit to the Cosmosphere, lunch in Yoder, and dinner at the Bread Basket. The food, (pure comfort, non-slimming, and yummy, yummy), has replaced our walking and riding. We're blaming the weather, but... The really good news is that the thin gruel doesn't end here. On Saturday, we make a stop in Strong City to meet more relatives (Kel, Jan, and Tom) for more food before we move on to Manhattan for ten days of Thanksgiving with Rod and Karen. We might have to trade Frac in for a bigger model out of sheer necessity. On a tournament note, we've played no games so far in the Newton Open, I think because we're afraid of getting ham loaf stains on the cards. Stay tuned, we may have to send for Green Peace to save the whales. All of this is to say that nothing is as comforting as good times with family. And Life is Good, especially today.

Halstead, KS (Pop. @ 2,000)-the biggest little city in Kansas.
Just one of the back rooms in the Halstead Hardware store.
just one of the plywood planks full of old gizmos: Found Art at its Finest
Hot Turkey Sandwich at the Bread Basket Cafe in Newton, KS. (Not sure about the yellow gravy, but we slurped the plate clean anyway.)
Our campsite next to Wilbur and Arlene's (Level- free electricity)
The Sand Creek trail out back of Bethel College, where Judy strolled down memory lane.
"Don't mess with me, or I'll sick my sister on ya."
Entertainment for the night: Jukele strumming "You are my Sunshine" and "Take me out to the Ballgame."
Wib on lead harmonica.
Arlene on rhythm harmonica.
A promising Kansas sunrise for an encore. (The view from Frac taken by Judy while I slept.)
Judy and Arlene dressing their parents' grave for the holidays.
Abe and Dorothy resting in peace.
One of the gatherings in Wilbur's birthday month. Dana and Kathryn, Arlene and Judy. Ham Loaf, green bean casserole, pickled vegetables, and Angel food cake with raspberries. Thin gruel-Kansas style.
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