Sunday, October 6, 2024

Adventure 937: A View from the Perch/Kevin-Kelsey Wedding/50

We made a long weekend out of celebrating Kevin and Kelsey's wedding, which was held in Mazama, WA. We dilly-dallied on the way over, rolling through the neatly cut wheat fields, sliding down some prehistoric rock formations into Grand Coulee, and meandering through Northeast Washington until we got to the magnificent Methow Valley. We're about a week away from peak fall colors. The aspens are just now turning and the Tamaracks are a cold week or two away. The wedding, designed, officiated, and orchestrated by the couple and their close friends was simply wonderful. Our Air B & B was comfortable and we enjoyed another unplugged weekend: No wifi, no TV, no news. Nothing but the joyous wonder of two people committing themselves to each other with their closest friends and family as witnesses. It's apparent that good friends help make life better. We didn't really suffer from internet withdrawal because Mazama does have an excellent bakery and brew pub, so it wasn't like we were adrift in the wilderness. We also went to a very nice farmer's market in Twisp on Saturday morning. But clearly the wedding was the highlight. Kevin and Kelsey's  friends prepared the wedding feast, the wedding music, and the group reveled in their joy for each other. Judy and I were honored to be included. This morning, a beautifully blue fall day, we decided to drive back to Spokane via the high NE Washington passes. We traversed Loop Loop, Waucanda, and Sherman Passes, which, dressed as they are in fall splendor, proved extremely pleasant. It was a feel great weekend, and once again affirmed that life is good, especially today.

Our little cabin in the woods was very warm, well appointed, and cozy.

We slept under this down comforter with the windows open to let in the crisp mountain air. Veery nice.
On Friday night, the group met at the Mazama Public House. Very good beer and grits.


The "friends" gathered round the fire.

Saturday morning scone.
Followed by the Saturday morning chocolate croissant.

Followed by the Saturday pecan donut at the Twisp farmer's market.

Our little cabin in the woods.

Judy and Kelsey.
Judy and  Kevin's sister, Andrea.

The wedding ring.
One of two wedding feast tables.

Kevin and Kelsey approached the wedding ring from two sides. My shot of Kevin wan't good, but Kelsey seems quite serious.

The couple presenting each other before the altar.

First dance.
We stopped at the summit of Sherman Pass to catch the view.

Great day. Great weekend.