Sunday, February 25, 2024

Adventure 905: Tucson Winter Two/13

Today's scripture emphasis was based on a passage from Jeremiah that talks about the transformation that occurs at the potter's wheel. Clearly, the Lord is spinning the wheel; we're mere clay. In terms of my own transformation, I'm still the same sinner I was last week, so I sometimes wonder what stage I'm at concerning God's plan. I think I'm a little past the stage where I've been plopped, kneaded, and molded. I'm trying to stay centered so that whatever form I end up taking rises straight, strong, and useful. I aim each day to be an empty vessel, a willing recipient of God's grace. In truth, I sometimes resist. I go my own way, which causes my sides to heave and my edges to curl. Yet, I persevere. I hold onto the faith that God accepts me.

In the lat sixties, Jim Morrison of the Doors, screeched into the microphone, "You cannot petition the Lord with prayer!" I disagree. I pray every day that our better angels will prevail. I pray that Donald Trump will become the leader he claims to be, that he will use his undeniable persuasive power for the betterment of all, that he will be less of a "Christian" and more of a disciple, that he will serve others over himself. that he will be a voice of inspiration rather than a fire hose of dissent, and (if elected) that he twill truly lead our country to a greatness that stands as a beacon for liberty and justice for all.

Like needn't be said, "God, I know you're listening."

I fashioned this empty bowl in church this morning.

Too often we're left with this sad refrain.

In our own transformation, Judy and I (both here in Tucson and at home in Spokane) have been volunteering at food kitchens. It may not be much, but it puts an energy of caring into the world. That has to be a good thing. Note: The Cross Street program at Southside Presbyterian has been serving the homeless population in Tucson for over twenty-five years.

Friday, February 23, 2024

Adventure 904: Tucson Winter Two/12

Three days short of half way through our winter stay this year, we found ourselves downtown on historic fourth street, a six or eight block section near the university chock full of restaurants, bars, tattoo parlors, trinket stores, record stores, and several fun murals. Consider this a view of just some of the wall art Tucson has to offer, and of course, walking on a warm day with my Bunny on my arm means that life is good, especially today.


Friday, February 16, 2024

Adventure 903: Tucson Winter Two/11

After ten days we were sad to enter the silence of a missed grandson. His mother warned us. But there wasn't very much sadness in the ten days he hand his mother were here because the activities came fast and furious. In no particular order we visited Eegees for fruit ice to go with our tequila.  We went to an art show at Tohono Chul where Falcon played in the children's section. We visited the miniature museum, went hiking in the Sweetwater preserve three time plus a photo shoot designed to help promote Leticia's product. We rode the trolley up Sabino Canyon. Attended church and the potluck after given every year for the winter visitors, or snow birds as we're sometimes called. Three trips were made to the gem show. One day we lunched at Tumerico, a fabulous place that serves vegetarian Mexican fare. We like it so much we ate at the sister store, La Chaiteria, on the way to the airport. One after noon we visited Tucson's Botanical Garden viewing all sorts of desert plant life and a visit to the butterfly greenhouse. We also enjoyed the Super Bowl at our friends, the Kral's. Go Chiefs! One night Letica and I made a venture to Cap and Corks for a cold one as they say. Of course, we included a visit to El Sur, our favorite family Mexican run restaurant on Tucson's East side. Don't forget the Locale bakery, and the downtown trolley, and on the last day we visited a Southside coffee shop called Barrio Barista for breakfast burritos and coffee. Delicious. During down time, Falc would jump up pressing his nose against mine and exclaim, 'I'm going to wrestle you!" I complied most times. At night, we watched a dog movie: Lassie, Beethovan, etc. And don't forget we  also cooked and ate well at home. Nobody was catching the skinnies this past few days. But it's hard to turn down anything Leticia cooks. Her flair always produces exciting and delicious things. In other words, life is good, especially today, and  every one of the last ten days, too.

Falc getting ready to share his cookie with everyone. Sweet guy!

Falc literally talking chicken.

There is a sea themed sculpture display made entirely of  plastic retrieved from the ocean.

This nearly deceased saguaro looks a bit like a bird.

David Kral, our super bowl host--a loyal Steeler fan.

Unpretentious coffee stand with excellent breakfast burritos and good hot coffee.

Falc's super bowl pose.

A photo from Letica's marketing photo shoot;

La Chaiteria, Tumerico's sister store serves a vegetarian and carnivore menu. These carne asada tacos were nicely done.

I think I forgot to mention a visit to El Guiro Canelo for a torta and a Sonoran hotdog.

Friendly midwesterners caught us all at Signal Hill.

Couple thousand year old art scratched into the stone.

Flutter me by by.

Saturday, February 10, 2024

Adventure 902: Tucson Winter Two/10

I thought I woke up in Spokane this morning: steady, cold rain and a winter weather warning. Fortunately, unlike Spokane, this overcast chill will be gone by tomorrow. In the meantime, we'll find indoor things to do. Later we'll be off to Tohono Chul Gardens to see the art show and then to the children's museum. Along the way who knows what culinary treat we'll enjoy. For now it's just Leticia and Falcon as Angela returned safely to Portland last Thursday. Yesterday, when the skies were clear blue, we enjoyed another visit to Sweetwater Preserve. After the recent rains, the saguaros were swelled, stretching their ribs full out to the welcome water. We've not been in the desert when the flowers bloom, but the entire landscape is currently full green in anticipation. Maybe one of these years we'll stay long enough to see the desert flush with color. Regardless, the place is magnificent. It's pleasing to walk among the flora. Everything seems alive, and when the desert speaks it makes us realize that life is good, especially today.

Falcon turned over every rock he saw looking for what was alive under. Boy stuff.

We had to get a photo with this crowning cactus. They're rare. (1 in 10,000)

How old must this venerable forty footer be?

Every boy's dream: a table full of things that say, "Please touch".

The crew basking in the sun in the old barrio.

They say a saguaro sprouts its first arm after seventy-five years.

There are several "twins" in the cactus forest.

Falcon showing Mimi the way.

I never tire of the panorama.

Of course, we must also enjoy the vagaries of the four year old attitude.

Falcon examining the insides of a saguaro.

Selfie of the day: A little wine with your sunset.

Monday, February 5, 2024

Adventure 901: Tucson Winter Two/9

The first of this year's visitations took the form of Angela, our oldest. Never having been to Tuscon, she arrived Friday night with a list of things she wanted to do. We started with feeding her the cheapest and best family Mexican food we've found so far in Tucson. It's a place on the East side called El Sur. Satisfying on every level. We then made a walking stop in the Barrio Viejo just off down town. Of course, the next day we had to walk a little bit in Sabino Canyon, mostly to walk off the Sonoran Hotdog we had at El Guero Canelo's. Sunday we went to church and afterwards, we took a little hike in our favorite cactus forest, Sweet Water Preserve. Last night we drove up to Gates Pass lookout to watch the sunset. Angela managed to tug along some wine and three cups. It was a splendidly warm commune with nature. Today, the girls (Ginny, Judy, Angela) made their first run at the Gem Show, and this evening we're going to enjoy a cocktail at the old Congress Hotel downtown. Following that, we'll stop at Nene's food truck for dinner, which will include getting food for Leticia and Falcon, who arrive at ten this evening. Who knows what adventures will follow from here, but one thing is for sure: Life is good, especially today.

Art shot of the day.
Love shot of the day.
Hug shot of the day.
The buildings, doorways, gates, and native plants envelop visitors in the aura of yesteryear, namely the late 1880s.

The colors are vibrant.

Even stark white has a presence.

Let's go out on a limb. A saguaro's first limb comes after seventy-five years.

Bunny, serving up the wine.


Heading up Sabino Canyon.
Checking out the swinging arms.

A Tuscon cultural specialty: Sonoron Hotdog.

In between adventures, Angela took time to catch a few rays.

Good days.