It's hard to believe it's been six months since we moved into the Perch. We've met and are enjoying several new people. I've joined a coffee group and a cribbage group. Judy is a regular at exercise class. and she has joined the community chorale (110 voices strong). I've also been taking a philosophy course at Whitworth this semester, and I can tell you from that experience that both Judy and I are enjoying many epistemic goods. Lately, we've been out and about. We shared wine and charcuterie with our longtime friends, the Cramer's and the Seidenstickers at a local winery. We attended an excellent concert at the Knitting factory featuring two bands: The Rainbow Girls and The Brothers Comatose. And we attended the fall youth symphony to hear our grand daughter, Sarah play. The only bad news is that we caught a cold about ten days ago. We're both just about over it, glad that it's not Covid, and otherwise we're doing well. I, myself, can't wait for the New Year so we can head south to Tucson, but first we'll get to enjoy the holidays with the kids. We're planning on filling the Perch with the whole crowd. As usual, despite our inconvenient illness, life is good, especially today.

The six of us polished off a full board of eats and a few sips of wine.
Check out The Brothers Comatose, a Blue Grass/Americana band from the Bay area. You can find them on Spotify. Nice songs include Tops of the Trees, Valerie, and Morning Time.
One fun thing. They called up a gal from the audience to sing along. Karaoke on steroids!
The band features excellent musicians, including their fiddle player.
The warm up band, The Rainbow Girls, also from the Bay area, feature magnificent harmonies, along with a touch of political commentary. See their song: American Dream.
That's our Sarah at the top of the photo.
We're not keeping track, but this is just another in a long line of "hot dates".