Sunday, July 26, 2020

Adventure 620: Four Days on the Old Saint Joe

Joe Bunnies
For four idyllic days, we lounged around the camp fire, soaked our feet in the river, rode our power assisted bikes (82 miles), participated in "Rake Therapy", and fed ourselves much more than we needed. The weather hovered in the perfect zone, just under 80. The skies were blue, the bugs scarce, and the nights cool. In addition, we were out of cell range and therefore blissfully unconnected from the latest bombshell from the rump. I keep wondering why we came back. We plan to go back in September, especially if our winter plans are scuttled due the pandemic, and most likely even if they are. In the meantime, Judy's garden is looking spectacular, and I was very appreciative that she would allow four days away in the wilderness. In short, life is good, especially today.

 Quite sublime.
 Rake Therapy keeps the camp clean and the soul calmed.
 The Wiley Cager kept up her wiley tricks.
 If it's four O'clock, it must be time for GTs.
 North Idaho chic.
 Mrs. Ulmen pumping the well.
 I rode my son Steve's electric bike. I may never pedal unassisted again.
 Our camp spot for the four days.
 Our last breakfast (Just a sample of the thin gruel we enjoyed), huckleberry pancakes, ham, and egg.
 Miss Judy enjoying a little rake therapy.
  Good bye, Joe. See you in September.

Wednesday, July 8, 2020

Adventure 619: Lake Time Covid-19 Style

Saved by Love

Nothing worth doing is completed in our lifetime; therefore, we must be saved by hope.
Nothing true or beautiful or good makes complete sense in any immediate context of history; therefore, we must be saved by faith.
Nothing we do, however virtuous, can be accomplished alone; therefore, we must be saved by love.

-Reinhold Niebuhr

It's good to have the family together not only because great stress begets great strength, but also because the warmth of love helps everything and everyone.  Sawyer and Angela arrived Monday. We enjoyed the traditional Angel Food cake for Angela's birthday. The whole family was present. The only one happier than Angela was Mimi. Of course, Falcon was better than watching any screen, so we all ogled him. Tuesday, we headed for the lake where we'll spend the next week. It's a privilege we don't take for granted. So far, the weather is cool and the clouds are hanging just like the huckleberries: low, damp, and plump. No matter. There are no bad days at the lake. In these times, it's especially important to find ways to make life good. As I say, especially today.

Falcon showing off.

Birthday girl.

Auntie Libby doing her thing.

Number one grandson showing Falcon how it's done.

 The Williams': Sarah, Emily, Steve, Bonnie.

Welcome to the lake.

First morning breakfast: Thin gruel of breakfast salad and lemon curd fruit tart.