But since it's Halloween, let's get scary. Suppose America decides to call Donald Trump, Mr. President. OK, let the groping begin. The first outcome of deporting the criminals will be riots like we've never seen before (Sound familiar?) Brown, Black, White, Red, and Yellows will start pointing things at each other. Fires will start, which will melt the already fragile social fabric. Jobs will not return (It will hurt profits). The climate will be so toxic, everyone's attention will be diverted to survival. Civil wars will ensue. America's own internal battles and chaos will send the world into a economic spiral. The world economy will disintegrate. The chaos, believe me, will be worse than the Great Depression. Hackers and other evil doers will crash what's left of confidence, and despots all over the world flex their muscles in an effort to replace America's greatness. Putin will lash out in Europe. China will attempt domination of the East. The Arab states will bubble and boil. North Korea will enter the fray like spoiled child with a poisonous snake. These not so petty power grabs escalate into the inevitable world war. Everyone will retaliate, and sadly, we will all fry like fritters. Trick of Treat.
OK, nobody liked that. I know I didn't. It's why I avoid horror movies. Let's hope none of these horrors occur. Meanwhile, back to reality as we know it. After our house cleaning, we took the shuttle to Yaki Point, which means we've experienced every view from the South Rim. We walked back just to get some steps in, and also to enjoy the ever changing view along the rim trail. The Grand Canyon is much like Utah in that there is so much to see. When we spent time in Utah, I began by thinking that once you've seen one red rock, you've seen them all. I learned that was not the case. The same is true here. Every marked sight is worth seeing, and there are just as many unmarked sights worthy of discovering, too. We've enjoyed our time here, and if you have never been, this place is a must see. It puts things into perspective, and from our perspective (Despite my Halloween diatribe), life is good, so make life good, especially today.
The view West from Yaki point.
The view East from Yaki Point. That pointed peak in the distance is called Vishnu. The early explorers felt the canyon structures looked like temples, so they began giving them names of gods.
Let's not get drastic. The 2016 election results won't last forever.
If we were a little younger, we may have acquired a permit to hike rim to rim.
Art shot of the day: Don't hurt the snakes.