Oregon's Fine Coast |
Arrived Monday, April Fool's Day to pleasant weather and a beachside camp sight. We began the adventure in Spokane, stopped at Maryhill, where we rode up Fulton Canyon for a few miles in warm, sunny, windless conditions. We traveled to Madras to visit the folks. They're doing as well as can be expected for a couple of entrenched octogenerians. We experienced the usual: homemade stew Saturday and Chinese over medium on Sunday. Our trip to the coast on Monday was long and winding over Santiam Pass, but uneventful. We averaged eleven miles to the gallon. The Ulmen's arrived shortly after we had finished setting up. We spent two days in warm sunny weather exploring the beach: Yahachts, Waldport, Newport, et al. We rode eighteen miles to Newport one day, which reminded me how unpleasant our coast ride was last summer. We enjoyed our usual thin gruel, including a couple times out. One evening Dave plopped some fresh oysters over a fire. Liz added a spinach roulade. Truly fabulous thin gruel. All in all, the Oregon coast where life is good, especially today.