Tuesday, February 25, 2025

Adventure 949: All Quiet on the Tucson Front/62

The house is empty for the next week until a new set of sun worshipers arrives. Leticia and Falcon hopped the plane last Thursday after a whirlwind ten day stay. Sawyer had only the weekend, so we sent him on his way. Angela has  moved into her rented space with her friend Kate, and we're eagerly awaiting the arrivals of Karen (Judy's sister) arrival, and my brother, Tom.  Libby, who comes a little bit later, will over lap a day or so with Tom. So more fun on the horizon. In the meantime, we've settled back into routine. We did enjoy a surprise visit from our neighbors at Rockwood (Rick and Diane Thomas). They were in town for a short stay visiting Diane's cousin, but it was really just a layover since they were on the way to Los Angeles to watch their grand daughter perform a starring role in her University's current theater production. We had a nice lunch and they caught us up on all the happenings back at the "Perch".  As for general news, last year by this time, Tucson had recorded over three inches of rain. This year the total has been barely a quarter inch. Add to that, the weather (while pleasant) has been hotter than usual. For us, it's perfect, especially if we compare it to the gray, cold drizzle of home. The locals may be complaining, but for us life is pretty good, especially today.

Angela's friend, Kate, trying to sight mountain goats on our hike in Pima Canyon.

Angela, enjoying the view and a bit of rest.

I wonder what this guy has on his mind.

With such a big sky, the clouds often act as cathedrals.

We happened on this nature photographer who will send you some photos if you email him. Sthomsonphoto@gmail.com 

We all gathered around to see some stunning shots of humming birds.

Unlike this fat head, Steven was very humble and gracious.

We found a new taste treat at Taco Rapido: Burrito Colorado: simply delicious.
Falcs getting ready to head home on the airplane.

Rick and Diane.
Leticia and Angela took a trip to the border at Nogales. Here, TC is sharing a little love for the immigrants.

Ironically or not, Angela said she felt safer in Mexico than she did in the U.S.

 Mom and son, banging the bowl, filling the air with good vibes for a return next year.

Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Adventure 948: Too Much Fun/61

Non stop action this past week included several trips to the gem show, oodles of Mexican food, two nice sunset jaunts, a Mountain Music concert at Catalina State Park, a day trip to Biosphere 2, an outing to kids day at Tohono Chul, nearly endless games of " Little Stinker", and one Star Wars movie nightly. Angela will stay in Tucson a bit longer, but Falcon and Leticia head back to the Northwest on Thursday. The last ten days have been filled with much sunshine, many adventures, some big smiles, and our grateful realization that, for us, life is good especially today.

Falcon snuggling up to Auntie Tia.

Leticia trying out her new healing bowl. Feel the vibes!

Mimi is fond of flan.

Falcon communing with the cacti at Tohono Chul.

Mimi and Falcon making clay at Tohono Chul.

This poor guy feels for those who just got their Federal pink slip.

Tia and Leticia.

Falcon taking the lion's share of Mimi's Choco Flan.

Now owned and operated by the University of Arizona, the biosphere scientists must be  wondering what will happen because of the recent freeze on their NASA funding. Time will tell if climate research is a priority for the present administration.

Completely under glass, the biosphere includes a desert, a rain forest, the largest indoor ocean in the world, and several ecological research projects concerning water, soil, and plant life.

Originally, eight people planned to live for two years completely sealed in the space. One unforeseen complication arose: The soil and other living matter produced so much CO2 that the oxygen balance became unsafe for humans. The project had to be modified to add air to the system via a giant lung like apparatus.

This dome shaped building is the lung that regulates the air inside the biosphere.

Leticia used this lady's back as a puppet show while we were at the Mountain Music show.

Fly away little birdie.

The band awarded this T-shirt to Leticia for being the first audience member to dance.

Magnificent saguaro of the day.

Art shot of the day: Biosphere Musing.

Mom and son enjoying the sunset. Another fine day in the desert.

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

Adventure 947: Bye Bye Sawyer/60

Sadly, we took Sawyer to the airport this morning so he could return to Portland. Short (or no) vacations are the bane of the working man, but fortunately he's young enough to endure the forty degree drop in temperature. He's already planning his return trip next year. To send him off we had a feast last night that included marinated skirt steak, flour tortillas, Spanish rice, sautéed peppers and onions, refried beans, Mexican coleslaw, fried plantains, and BBQd pineapple. Of course we had red salsa and green salsa, guacamole, and plenty of good cheer. We maxed our seating out at ten diners. Along with Sawyer, there was Uncle Kel and his wife Miss Karen, and two of Angela's friends (Kate and Becky) joined the party. Sawyer enjoyed perfect Tucson weather while he was here, and he got to see a few Tucson highlights, so even though we were sad to see him go life is good, especially today.

It's hard to get everyone in a group selfie. You can barely see Becky's arm.

Kel listening to the wisdom of his 21 year old nephew.

Angela and Kate waxing wise, most likely planning future adventures.

There's Sawyer and Becky caught in a candid in the back.

Falcon testing the fried plantains.

Selfie of the day: Silly Willies.

Sawyer got to enjoy a Tucson delicacy: The Sonoran Hot Dog.

And we caught the sunset at Gates Pass.

This is us perched on the rocks like Native Americans of old waiting for the sun to go down.

Go West young man; that's where the adventures lie.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Adventure 946: Hotel "California" Tucson Edition/59

Our daughter, Angela, became our first visitor this winter, opening the gates to a steady flow. It's been great so far. She has a long list of things she wants to see, and has become our personal chef and health advisor, which is good because she's skilled in those areas. One day we met up with her friend, Kate, for a bit of a stroll through the cacti in the East section of the Saguaro National Park, and last Friday, her son, our grandson, Sawyer arrived to add his spirit to the adventure. Yesterday, we went downtown to ride the trolley and shop a little bit at one of the gem show venues. I'm not much of a gem show participant, but I was along for the ride as designated driver in case the intoxication from too many options became overwhelming. We also had a late lunch at La Chaiteria after walking through the historic Barrio Viejo just South of downtown. Who knows what today will bring, but tomorrow two more lively spirits arrive: daughter Leticia and grandson, Falcon. The only thing I know for sure is that the throttle will be pressed flat to the floorboard, and no one will want to "checkout" any time soon. So, we'll take each adventure as it comes believing as we do that life is good, especially today.

Judy and Kate out back of the home Kate's renting.

This cute little native pueblo diorama sits atop an antique Singer sewing console. Quite the juxtaposition if one is inclined to consider history.

The entrance to the home.

We've yet to see real saguaro blooms, but these representations are part of a display in the visitor center at the National Park.

Unlike the West section of the park, there are several saguaro "families" clustered here and there in the East.
First art shot of the day: Ever upward, not necessarily straight.

Angela, Sawyer, and Mimi.

Just purchased this figurine for our friend, Jace Keeling, made by this artist from Burkina Faso. His work celebrates female literacy and every figurine displays a female figure reading or holding a book. Each piece is one of a kind. Very cool.

Selfie of the day: Mother, son.

Second art shot of the day: Life is a circular swirl.

Quesadilla La Chaiteria style.

Sawyer, sporting the socks Mimi knitted for him: a perfect fit. He said he felt patriotic wearing them.